Police Department


To have officers dispatched you must call 864-260-4444 and as always, 9-1-1 for emergencies.

Animal Control 

To report an Animal Control issue, call (864)260-4444, Monday – Friday 8 am to 5 pm. After-hours service is only available for life-threatening situations. Call 9-1-1.

Letter from Police Chief

Welcome to the Town of Pendleton. I look forward to the opportunity to be able to serve this fine community and its residents. I believe in the philosophy of building partnerships in the community by having the residents and community act as stakeholders with the Police Department. In my many years of Law Enforcement, I think that people have to have a say in what they want to see from their Police Department. Your officers are here to serve you and assist where we can. I am here to listen, take suggestions, and develop any plan you as the citizens have to make your Police Department better suited to assist you. As always, I am here to serve you, and feel free to stop by Town Hall to speak to me or any of the Officers.

Yours in Service,
Robert Crosby

Our Mission

The Pendleton Police Department will protect our community from harm and proactively reduce criminal activities in a professional, effective and just manner.

Our Values

2022 SWaC.jpg Duty: We will protect the citizens of the Town of Pendleton, and their property, from those who would seek to do them harm. We will work diligently to ensure the safety of our Town and its people.

Honor: We represent the Town of Pendleton and will do so honorably in a way to fulfill the expectations of our citizens and the ideals of our profession.

Courage: We will face the dangers and evils that threaten our community with resolve and determination. We will not shirk from enforcing the law and providing safety to those under our protection.

Integrity: We realize we hold a public trust and will do so exhibiting upstanding, fair, and ethical behavior. We will conduct ourselves in a manner to inspire confidence and respect in our profession.

Respect: We care about the citizens we serve and recognize everyone should be treated justly. We will be compassionate and empathetic to victims of crime and treat those who violate the law with fairness and dignity.

Service: We exist to serve the citizens of the Town of Pendleton. We serve by providing aid and assistance to victims of crime, protection and security to our citizens and enforcing the laws of the United States of America, the State of South Carolina, and the Town of Pendleton.

Community: We are part of the diverse group of individuals, businesses, and organizations that comprise our Town. We strive for the success of each individual, business, and organization by doing our part to keep our community safe and secure.

Professionalism: We will study, train, and maintain the skills and competencies which will allow us to provide the best service to the citizens we serve. We will conduct ourselves with confidence, compassion, and good character.


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Chief of Police - Robert Crosby 

Contact Chief Crosby

Meet the Police Officers

The department is housed in the Town of Pendleton Municipal Complex located at 310 Greenville Street, Pendleton, SC 29670. You may reach Administration by calling 864-646-9409.

Police Photo Gallery