New to Town

Garbage and recycling employees at work

Duke Energy

Duke Energy supplies and distributes ample electric power at competitive rates for all residential, commercial and industrial needs. To open an account, contact Duke Energy at 800-777-9898. A deposit may be required.

Duke Energy


Fort Hill Natural Gas Co – Fort Hill Natural Gas Company supplies and distributes natural gas for all residential, commercial and industrial needs. To open an account, contact Fort Hill Natural Gas at 864-882-8126. A deposit may be required.

Fort Hill Natural Gas


Town of Pendleton offers water services to homeowners and possibly those renting a house. You will need to open a utilities account with the Town of Pendleton. Utility bills are mailed to customers monthly and rates are dependent upon usage and in-town versus out-of-town status. A deposit may be required.

Town of Pendleton Water

Sandy Springs Water District – Sandy Springs is a community owned water system committed to providing its customers with a dependable supply of clean water at reasonable rates. Please call 864-646-7729 to inquire about which water district you are in. A deposit may be required. 

Sandy Springs Water District


Town of Pendleton offers sewer services to homeowners and possibly those renting a house. You will need to open a utilities account with the Town of Pendleton. Utility bills are mailed to customers monthly and rates are dependent upon usage and in-town versus out-of-town status. 

Garbage & Recycling

The Town of Pendleton offers curbside pickup of garbage and recycling for residents and bulk container pickup for businesses. Please see our Waste & Recycling page for our weekly pickup schedule.Contact Town Hall at 864-646-9409 for more information and for the most current rate schedule.


Town of Pendleton services are located in the Town of Pendleton Municipal Complex
310 Greenville Street
Pendleton, SC 29670

Non life-threatening emergencies after hours

Business Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Resource Guide Provided by Anderson County

Information-Packet.pdf(PDF, 4MB)

Info-Packet.pdf(PDF, 4MB)